Daily Libra Horoscope August 28 (28/08)
Libra Sep 23 − Oct 22 Alias: Alias: The Scales August 28 (28/08) daily libra horoscope: summary libra daily Star 8/10 Think of fears that, as a child, you were determined to justify. Some of these were planted in our minds by others. Some we created ourselves. Many remained deep-rooted as we entered adulthood and some remain, at least in our subconscious. Releasing ourselves from a long-held fear is always an amazing experience. Doing so often requires us to do what it is were afraid of! You have a chance to confront a certain fear now - and watch it disappear forever. Read more... summary libra tomorrow Star 8/10 You might feel certain others have more faith in your abilities than you do. That could be due to the confident vibe youre exuding that implies you have all the answers...