Daily Cancer Horoscope January 02 (02/01)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

January 02


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 10/10

What did I do to deserve this? Such words get said by us all from time to time. Please allow me to make clear that theres no astrological reason why youll be saying such words in the near future. If anything, youve likely said them more than once recently! But the word deserve needs to be looked at more closely. You might believe you didnt deserve recent stress and tension but youll be in no doubt about how deserving you are of a reward for dealing with both!


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

Not everything we do is met with approval and support from others and it can be disheartening when we find ourselves having to justify a decision we know makes perfect sense to pursue. Where you might be aware of a lack of support or understanding coming your way, remain focused on doing what you know feels right. Your inner voice is the only one you really need to be heeding, regardless of how drowned out it might be by the voice of certain well-meaning others!


summary cancer weekly

Star 10/10

Events this week could encourage you to look closely at your reasons for trying to push or even force a particular situation. If you feel weary from trying to make a point or steer a boulder-like scenario in a way you believe it should be heading, then you look set to gain much more by doing nothing. The coming week is about allowing momentum youve created in the recent past to catch up with the present. When it does, youll know precisely what your next move must be.


summary cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Mercurys direct motion in your relationship and commitment sector could help you to become clearer about whos truly worthy of your attention and affections. However, its the Full Moon in your sign on the 12th that turns the cosmic spotlight on you and allows you to make clear how youve been unappreciated or possibly unfulfilled, personally or professionally. Your voice can be heard but with emotions likely escalating, try not to overreact or overemphasize a point.


health cancer daily

Star 7/10

Your feelings will guide you if you will let them. There is a temptation to go the route that will win the most approval, but it would be in your best interest to start opening up to approval from within. Getting to do what you want is an option you give yourself - it has nothing to do with outside approval. Thus, consider your body and how you feel in it today. Is there some nagging health issue that you wish were not there? Begin by addressing your problem areas.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

You have great ideas, but its important to prioritize! First things first: how is your body working for you these days? The body is such a good friend to us - we must try to be as good to it as it is to us! Consider right now what you think would be good for you: more or less exercise? More or less sleep? More or less of certain foods? From visualizing comes goal setting; from the goals comes the power to take daily action.


health cancer weekly

Star 7/10

Take extra care of yourself. Dont be tempted to overindulge, despite the fact that things might get frustrating. Theres a nebulous energy around thats making it easier to pick up colds and other infections. Keep your boundaries intact and avoid places or people who are spreading germs. Rest more than usual, too.


health cancer monthly

Star 10/10

A desire to see positive transformation in your life could be the reason youre so eager to make key changes to your lifestyle and overall health. With a potent influence in your wellness zone for some time, you may have been eager to follow new and positive routines but at times resisted them. A current upbeat blend of energies can help you better understand your motives, and this in turn could enable you to push forward and see real progress. Reorganizing your home environment could also enable you to get into those new routines more easily.


love cancer daily

Star 7/10

The celestial configuration encourages you to at least consider the prospect of change within an important relationship. This is more of an opportunity to cultivate new beginnings, rather than to do anything drastic. You will need to sit down with your sweetheart and do some talking about how you really feel, and then take it from there. Things can only get better by being open.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

If you are hoping for a calm and peaceful day as far as the romance scene goes, you could be in for a surprise. The planetary alignment encourages a lot of talking, but it may not be quite so easy to really hear what your dearest one is saying to you. You both want and need different things, and you must either compromise, or go without.


love cancer weekly

Star 8/10

You know that vibe you were feeling between you and someone youve been interested in? It isnt really there at the start of the week. There could be a logical explanation for the lack of chemistry, or it could be just one of those things. Dwelling on it will prevent you from moving on, so try not to stress about it too much. Life is too short to worry about the things you cant change.


love cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Venus visits fellow Water Sign Pisces on January 3, and the result is a feeling of peace and well-being. Even if you arent with the person of your dreams, you have faith that he or she is out there. Theres a Full Moon in Cancer on January 12, but the Cardinal Grand Cross could complicate things. Take a break and regroup before setting out on your next romantic mission. The Aquarius New Moon on January 26 puts a friendly spin on your dating life, indicating good times ahead. Making small talk could lead to big things, so take the initiative and talk to a stranger.


career cancer daily

Star 7/10

Dont act too hastily today. You are likely to get a big dose of misinformation that will foul up the rest of your day if you are not careful. Check your sources two or three times before you make a final decision on anything.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your well-laid plan is likely to get shaken up today by someone who has a great deal of influence on you. Dont be afraid to integrate a new idea or concept into a traditional way of doing something. Doing so will create the winning combination.


career cancer weekly

Star 10/10

The energy could be rather scattered. The cosmos brings the challenge to make a decision regarding some businesses and co-workers. You may be working in the background in the comfort of familiar routines and clear expectations. When everyone else is running around, simply do the best you can with what is nearby. Later the energy turns and supports business and personal success in a strong way.


career cancer monthly

Star 9/10

The first half of January could find you juggling a variety of demanding tasks. If you dont pace yourself, you could burn out near January 12. Be ready to delegate tasks and trust others to do their jobs. This is not the time to micromanage. If you have an entry-level job and too much responsibility, speak up. Its important to establish healthy boundaries. Relief will come in the final days of the month. Be willing to take a newcomer under your wing. With a little luck, youll gain some valuable technical skills from this recruit. Sometimes students make the most valuable teachers.



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